The second space gat is complete. Enjoy the photos below and check out the build in progress posts to see what it took to get this beauty ready for cyber action.
As usual, the full parts list is at the end.
It's been a long journey, marked by a pile of scrap aluminum. I am very pleased with the results.

90% of the work in on this futuristic revolver went into modifying the MCX handguard, including attaching the red dot mount and front sight. Enjoy the spiny-vid below showing off these main pieces.
The gallery below shows the main steps from sketch to completion.
Finally, lot's of pictures of the final product. Enjoy and thanks as always for following along.

The next few shots show how the Scout Light, fiber optics, and jade bead front sight work together. The first photo is with the lights on and Scout Light off. The second is with the lights and Scout Light on. The third is lights off, Scout Light on.

It's hard to show how the fiber optics make the grips glow in the daylight, so below is a shot from the side with the shop lights off - the only light is coming from the gun. I'm very pleased with how brightly the grips glow. The glow helps tie the bright front end of the gun to the back.

Thanks again for following along. If you haven't already, check out my previous build, the "Space Cowboy Revolver."
The Build List
Handguard/Rail: Midwest Industries MCX Handguard
Red Dot: Sig Romeo Zero
Red Dot Mount: EGW RDO Mount for Ruger Revolvers
Light: Surefire Scout
Front Sight Housing: Fusion
Front Sight Bead: White Jade Bead
Fiber Optics: 3mm Clear Fiber Optics
Grip Inserts: Ivory Ruger Inserts
Main Cutting Tool: Dremel 4300
Main Drilling Tool: Dewalt 20v Brushless Dril
That is absolutely gorgeous, well done! Is there any chance you’d be willing to be commissioned to build a similar revolver for a customer?